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When you have an ostomy, it’s not unusual to experience issues such as leakage and skin irritation. However, most often they can be solved with little adjustments in your products and stoma care routines. The three self-assessment tools below will support you in finding the solution that is right for you.

Find solutions to your ostomy issues

Advice and supporting products that can help solve common issues.

Find solutions to your ostomy issuesAdvice and supporting products that can help solve common issues. Try Troubleshooter
Find solutions to your ostomy issuesAdvice and supporting products that can help solve common issues.

Learn about good changing habits

- to keep your skin healthy

Learn about good changing habits- to keep your skin healthy Learn more
Learn about good changing habits- to keep your skin healthy

Check your body profile

- to find the right product for you

Check your body profile- to find the right product for you Try BodyCheck™
Check your body profile- to find the right product for you


These are general guidelines meant to help you with typical questions. You should follow the specific instructions provided by your healthcare provider.  If you have any concerns – such as skin problems or how to use new products – you should always consult your ostomy nurse.  


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